So i played at Discotec. It was MAJOR! Stepping into the DJ booth was like boarding a spacecraft - coming straight from the Rex it was a little like leaving council accomodations and moving to a 40 floor Thames side view. The equipment there is literally breathtaking - My lady friend (The Blonde) even remarked that my music had never sounded this good.
The funny thing is that i was playing the R&B room, but i wasn't planning on playing R&B. This was to prove an uneasy challenge, as i underestimated how seriously those queens in that room took their black sounds. But they didn't know, that i was planning on playing very R&B based vocal house music. So while they were bitching about there being dance music on, they suddenly realised they knew the words to the track, that the bassline was as dirty as the original if not more so, and ten by ten they started to dance. Boy did i win them over! That room rocked! I literally looked out on to the dancefloor and felt amazing. Everyone was going crazy to my remixes of different tracks - Kanye West, Amerie, Gwen, Janet, Brandy, Beyonce, the fuckin' lot. People were coming over to praise my ass, saying they thought it was gonna be rubbish but that actually "...You earned my respect y'know yeah". Seems i'd found the first place i've ever known that a pretty face won't carry much kudos (which explains why most dj's are ugly fucks).
I had an amazing sound engineer (most of them are cunts n'all), who designed the system i was playing on. This probably so boring to you, whoever you are, but i think i'm a bit nerdy underneath this timeless, lithe exterior. The Cool Chick came down (that's Rose, who's picture i've posted before) and brought her camera as always. There WILL be a posting of pictures soon enough, especially as we then went to see Fidel who was playing in the other room and got trigger happy. Now there's a boy who makes DJing look easy!
Anyway i ended up snogging and smoking weed with a Brazilian in a doorway on the Strand at 5am, then i went home. I fucking rock man. Thanks to Laurent for giving me the gig in the first place, and Fidel for recommending me. Think i'll be sorting that Sketch gig out now, i've been putting it off as i wasn't sure i was good enough. Funny the ways that you can hold yourself back isn't it?
To celebrate this latest victory, i have made a new remix. It's a new version of Angie Stone 'I Wish I Didn't Miss You' and you can download it here.
iRocked &iRolled.
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