Armed with an international make-up artist to the stars, a hairdresser of the same calibre, Jimmy Choo heels and a will succeed, Fidel left his humble abode in pursuit of adventure.

No the work hasn't dried up, no she hasn't put the wig on to reignite interest in her fledgling career, no she is not the new Dusty O'Dear, Barbara Bush, Lady Bunny or Ivana Man, nor is she the new Miss Kimberley (by virtue of having an actual job she's good at- i saw that bitch performing Chicago at Too 2 Much, i know what i'm talking about) - She is Fidel and she is Major.

Staff, friends and lovers failed to recognise the ebony enchantress when she skipped into the club. Drag queens cursed and kissed her, men threw themselves at her, cameras flashed at her....