Guuurrrll, all you do is have one shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and then stick your fingers down your throat like any self-respecting superstar. Maybe she really really wants to be Aretha, the queen of dark fat.
The Place To Laugh At The Misfortunes Of Others. Generally anyway.
In absoloute defence of Mariah id like to express my shock that you of all people dianglis would believe that THAT is what mariah actually looked like that night! You were wrong! That picture is from a photoshopped (though,admittadley hysterically funny - ill email it to you) spoof of a mariah dvd where theyve enlarged her and made 'The Constipation of Mimi' DVD featuring hits such as the classic 'Creamlover', 'Always Be My Bagel' and 'Seatbreaker'. I'll also send you the actual images of the night!!!!!!!! hehe...
however, that outfit of mariahs in the picture on the right is an imporvement on the usual attire :P
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