

Saturday Night Live sketch 'Coffee Talk' with Mike Myers, Roseanne and MADONNA!

Scarlett On Saturday Night Live.

This is worth it just to see her sing "Bring my kootchy up, bring my kootchy down!"


Sunset Beach Y'all!

This was the most major show on television, i'm sure when it finished i stopped watching tv altogether. Watch these opening credits, and if you're hooked from them alone (i was) then there is a delicious collection of SB scenes to enjoy.

I'm Annie. Not you Lukas, me. I'm Annie. You're Olivia (the Joan Collins knock off).

Sunset Beach Halloween Party

Annie chokes...and the most beautiful man in the world (look out for Cole)

"I'll, take that"

"I need those jewels!"

Take the champagne ya bitch! It's all about the last scene.

Part 5

"You get one toothbrush and it's for cleaning the toilet. What else you do with it is up to you!"

This is major! It's always the end scene with these things!

"You wicked old witch!"

I don't know what's going on with this dadless bitch, all i know is she's screaming at a plastic dummy, that has the distinct look of Posh Spice. The mini devil and angels are killer though!

Loving the close up on her narly old hand

Final part, don't worry, nothing gets resolved.

Annie Gets Told...

"You are the ONLY persoon who can stomach you!"

Annie Gets Accused.....

Annie Schemes....

Annie Comes Back From The Dead!...

Annie, back from the dead. Packed with all the usual goodies.

There's A Rogue Helicopter....

Ugly People!

Goth Public Access

I love this, everything about this is funny.

Vagina Power!

This is awesome. Why doesn't the UK have public access tv? This video is a little long, but it's major through till the end, even if it's just to hear how the woman on the left is gonna keep a look out for predatory men. I think she'll be quite safe somehow.

Oh, just read the blurb with it - the woman on the left is her mother. Dear God.


The Head-Hand-Bag.

It's Here!

It's Raining 300 Men!

History Of Sex Dolls

I totally would. At least you don't have to make them breakfast in the morning, though i would at least offer. I'm not an animal.

Click here for a pictorial history of sex dolls!


The Nicole Effect.

Threat Alert Jesus!

Your very own protective religious figurine! Click here to see the light! Praise him!

Hamster Dance

Chita Rivera!

This is the campest thing i've ever seen, but it's also fabulous!

What i would give to have been alive then....but still look the way i do now. Mind you, i wouldn't still be alive if i was born then, no way no how.

Rescue Me - Drag Stylee.

It's all about the red tinsel wig!

Celine Does Madonna!

Bitch really is crazy, though oddly i likie the sound of her voice on this. Weird huh?

Unreleased Video For 'Get Together'.

This is quite pretty, though totally dull. But it's her so it's major, and don't even try bitching it.

Harry The Hamster.


Miss Cleo Vs. Milan

Ok, Miss Cleo is some dial-a-psychic, and this is Milan's ode to her.

It. Is. Fucking. Major.



I'm Into Leather Recently...

...studs, outdoor cruising. Just something a little harder. Oh and kids.

This is because i am a hard gay.

American Christian Politics

Jeez, these people are freaks. This guy works for George Bush. Need i say any more?

Might Wear My Blue Tights To DT...

....What do you think?

Gobblin' Girls!

I love it, big beads!

Star Trek

Doctor Spock sings!


Model! Model!

The Debbie McGee Modeling Agency is set to take over the world. Hee hee.

She's got a bloody glass eye!

Yay! Yay! Bank Holiday!

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Guess where i'll be this Sunday? Playing in room 3 that's where. It's going to be soooooo coooool.....

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Duct Tape Prom Comp!

Ok you won't believe this but Duct tape held a competition where you must make your outfit for the prom entirely out of the stuff, to win some kinda prize. Bad enough huh? Take a look at the entries....

NEITHER of these two will ever have sex:

Then there's the 'Fleetwood Mac' style couple, they probably long to drink wine from goblets, write with quills etc:

This little beauty is a marvel. Read her dress, then look at her dead eyes. She is a future enemy of every man in the world. I reckon she's been a bit touched, if you know what i mean:

Then there's always the girls who didn't have dates, so went together:

Yep, the boys missed out on absolutely fuck all there then. Hetro's 2- Lesbo's - Nil!
He's hiding a secret from her, hence she's allowed to be as crazy as she likes:

I'm guessing entering this competition was his idea:

He's a duct-tape Nazi:

She's going to give birth to a fabulous gay son:

Who will end up looking like this at his prom (obviously that's a young Lilly Allen on the left, when she dressed more conservatively).

The Crypt Keeper Strikes Again.

At best she's an idiot, at worst she's responsible for Iraq.

The Sun Is Back!

Thank God, it felt like it was away for ever!

Napolean Dynamite!

Napolean Dynamite gets a remix. This is one of the best movie scenes in history, though in it's original form naturally.

I Just Don't Know. I Really Don't.

Dumb-Ass Americans - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!