
I'm So Beautiful!

Firstly, let me apologise for not posting much at the moment. I've not had a broadband connection to call my own so it's been much harder getting online, but all that will change on Friday. Then this site will become much faster and bigger and more beautiful!

With that in mind, i leave you with Divine.....


My Favourite Man-She, Snipping Ribon.

Ah, Poor Little Wanna Be Drag Queen..

Me As A Chav!

Christina Aguilera Announces Baby!

Having seen what pregnancy did for Britney's career, Christina announces that she too will hear the patter of tiny feet.

This made Britney very angry.....

BRITNEY TRIES TO REGAIN HER CROWN! -I Just Had To Post These Pictures.

Being held back from boxing Christina, by K-Fed.

Unable to get sponsorship, she resorts to mugging people of their booze. Here she is seen mugging Justin Timberfake.

Hee hee hee.


This Has Been Called The Movie Everyone Should See.

It's called "Loose Change" and it's incredible. This here is the second edition and it seeks to prove that the attacks of 9/11 and subsequent events were nothing more than a money making scam and psychological attack on the American people, carried out by the U.S Administration.

I know this isn't usually my area, but this film has completely changed my mind on what happened. I don't read the papers to find out what's going on in the world, as it's usually rubbish. This stuff is far more interesting.

When YOU Make Paris Hilton Look Worthy...

..Your number is definately up (to the foreign readers, that's an English term for, you're busted and you smell like feet.)

Keep Your Nose Out Of It, KEE KEE KEE KEE!

Repeat After Me....

I know i've posted it before but it's a classic and i think i'm following a slightly religeous theme today.

This One, I Just Really Don't Know.

Don't Just Stand There Let's Get To It....

This is quite simply the most amazing video of vogueing i've ever seen. It's a collection of different bits of footage, edited together to produce a video that is both ridiculous and genius at the same time.

I taught them everything they know.

(Best to resize it smaller as the screen quality isn't great)

Charles & Cam-mule-la

What amazes me is that with very little added, the horse bears a striking resemblance.

The Sex And The City Girls In Their Autumnal Years

The Golden Girls In Their Winter Years.

(Looks more like LA to me).

This Woman Was Probably My Mother.


Ruby Meets Madonna

When Ruby Wax met Madonna, i think my favourite interview ever, ever, ever.

Pt. 2

Pt. 3

Pt. 4

Pt. 5

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Bitch throws a strop whilst shooting a "fucking commercial". Very of it's time.



You need to watch this short 5 minute long movie. It's Whitney teaching her kids all about the Birds and the Bees, and i have nothing else to say.


Ok So This Is Just A Bit Weird..

...But there's something about them i like. Anyway....

Pickle Surprise

This isn't as rude as you're expecting it to be. It does however, show you what a young RuPaul and Lady Bunny looked like.

I Know It's Racialist....

... But ya gotta poke fun at everyone y'know? Anyway some of my best friends are drawings.

Lindsay Lohan Went To See A Psychic...

....She looked into her crystal ball, and thought it best to say nothing.

Britney's Come Back.

Rock The Vote.


Granny Joke.

Senior ladies!

A tour bus driver is driving with a bus full of seniors down a highway when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady. She offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully munchesup.

After about 15 minutes, she taps him on hisshoulder again and she hands him another handful of peanuts. She repeats this gesture about five more times. When she is about to hand him another batch again, he asks the little old lady, " Why don't you eat the peanuts yourself?".

"We can't chew them because we've no teeth", she replied.
The puzzled driver asks, "Why do you buy them then?"
The old lady replied,
"We just love the chocolate around them."


What's the difference between a Ferrari and a bag of dead babies?

I don't have a Ferrari in my garage.


The Only Drag That Matters...

Hi, I Married Elvis!


And she hates lesbians? This picture is too major for me.

Whitney Kiss My Ass!

Just Go Home.

Words actually fail me with this one. It's just fucking grose (is that how you spell it?).

This Is Very Funny.

Click on the picture to read about the silly Irish (No offence, well alright a little).

Now I'm No Tele Addict...

..But this is quite funny.

A piss take of a car commercial.

Sorry I've Not Been Around Much Blog-Wise...

...this is why.

You try blogging in that state! And by the way, they're Fidel's crusty feet, he secretly has white feet.

I Love Barbeques!

This Has To Be Seen To Be Believed.

There is a girl in America (Where else?) that is afraid of pickles. I mean afraid.

She's like the exact opposite of Paris Hilton...